Virtually all car insurance policy providers don’t openly list their policy terms, premiums, and deductibles online. All policies are tailored to clients on an individual basis based on risk evaluations that use several qualifiers.
You can, however, get SR-22 insurance quotes in Chicago by reaching out to insurers.
What Is SR-22 Insurance?
You’ve likely heard of SR-22 insurance before, but most people can’t tell you the definition of the phrase. SR-22 insurance, also known as a certificate of financial responsibility or financial responsibility insurance, is a document sent to the Illinois Driver Services Department by insurance providers. SR-22s are typically only required for problematic drivers.
How Do You Send SR-22 to the State Government?
Fortunately, insurance providers take care of this headache for you. The Illinois Driver Services Department is able to simplify the process by only working directly with insurance providers that are licensed to practice within the Land of Lincoln.
What Offenses Require an SR-22?
Keep in mind that an SR-22 can only be required from you if you’ve been convicted
of one or more major driving offenses, not simply charged with one. These include driving under the influence, driving without insurance, and evading tollway fares. Lengthy histories of minor driving infractions sometimes necessitate SR-22s. Also, being late on child support can force people to seek out SR-22 insurance.
Saving Money Is Easy with Us
We’re the , a top SR-22 insurance quote Chicago provider; find us online, our only official website.